SLICES Flanders – Flemish participation in Scientific Largescale Infrastructure for Computing/Communication Experimental Studies
Our society is undoubtedly rapidly evolving towards a fully digital society. These changes and new technologies such as 5G, (I)IoT, Cloud computing, Edge computing, Big Data, AI, machine learning,… and many other new concepts, are getting embedded in our society and daily life. Research on new concepts and new aspects as well as developing tools, techniques and applications cannot be carried out without experimentation. Imec, Ghent University and University of Antwerp have invested in and established a collection of world-class experimentation facilities for these purposes, covering a wide range of technologies, and now grouped to become the Flemish node in the ESFRI European Research Infrastructure “SLICES” which will integrate all of these testbeds into one single research infrastructure.
SLICES is based on work carried out by imec, Ghent University and University of Antwerp in the framework of the European Fed4FIRE projects (2012-2022), but is now broader in application areas, broader in portfolio on technology and facilities. The purpose of this workshop is to provide information on the objectives of the SLICES Research Infrastructure as well as testimonials, the facilities and services offered. Targeted audience are researchers and developers from academia, industry, SMEs, … interested and active in the field of digital communications, digital technologies, next generation internet, … and looking for facilities and staff that can support your work ranging from basic research over development up to final testing prior to market deployment.
The 1st part of the workshop (Thursday April 6th) will be held in a virtual way, while the 2nd part of the workshop, being a hands-on training will be held in-person and on-site in our premises at Gent University on Friday April 7th.
To give you a quick insight in some of the existing facilities, please have a look at: https://idlab.technology/infrastructure/
Agenda and registration information are available at: https://slices-flanders.eventbrite.com
For more information please feel free to contact us at:
Prof. dr. Ir. Peter Van Daele
imec – Ghent University / IDLab
iGent Tower – Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 126, B-9052 Ghent, Belgium
- Registration Link: https://slices-flanders.eventbrite.com/