LeonR&Do - Cosmote
The LeonR&Do testbed is composed of:
• The 5G-LeonR&Do testbed: a hybrid 5G/4G NSA testbed (with MEC/edge capabilities)
• The Cloud-Leon&Do Openstack-based SDN/NFV infrastructure
• The IoT-LeonR&Do testbed: an e2e IoT platform/solution
The 5G-LeonR&Do testbed consists of a small-scale, end-to-end, real network and cloud components that provide APIs facilitating for systems and platforms communication and interoperability.
The Openstack multi-cloud infrastructure is based on Pike and Queens flavors are available on Ubuntu Server 16.04/18.04 LTS. Compute and storage resources can be made available either directly or for hosting relevant services on a per project basis e.g., a CI/CD platform. In addition, a MANO installation (ETSI OSM based), offering NFV capabilities on the multi-cloud infrastructure has been deployed.
The IoT-LeonR&Do testbed is a flexible, scalable, vendor and technology agnostic, e2e solution -developed from scratch exclusively by COSMOTE-composed of a wide range of custom and commercial end-devices/sensors, IoT hubs/gateways for facility automation and energy management/control (based on events/rules) and a (common) backend cloud infrastructure for storage, data processing, data visualization, and command exchange.
The LeonR&Do testbed has been / is currently utilized in numerous EU-funded research projects (e.g., 5GENESIS, 5G-MOBIX, 5G-ESSENCE, MATILDA, CLOUDPERFECT, 5G-PHOS, 5G-VICTORI, 5G-PICTURE, INTERCONNECT, CYBERTRUST, RESISTO, LOCUS) for the conduction of advanced, innovative use cases, demos and trials. In addition, the testbed is being utilized internally to the OTE Group for energy management, automations, environmental monitoring and physical security at telco sites while it has been deployed at ~20 friendly users’ houses for energy monitoring/control, home comfort and security purposes.


- Pelika & Spartis 1, Maroussi, 151 22, Athens, Greece
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