In SLICES PSNC will provide access to nine laboratories (eight implemented in PIONIER-LAB, one implemented in PL-LAB2020); all laboratories are located in Poznan, Poland.
PIONIER-LAB – National Platform for Integration of Research Infrastructures with Innovation Ecosystems is located on the Polish Roadmap for Research Infrastructures. The project builds eight unique research laboratories based on the national fiber optic network PIONIER. The goal of the Project is to make the platform available to entrepreneurs and other entities interested in conducting scientific research and development works based on the new, nationwide research infrastructure.
PL-LAB2020 is a research network infrastructure. PSNC provides access to heterogeneous resources located in Poznan, including SDN, ICN, IoT and Wireless laboratories. PSNC also operates the central services supporting PL-LAB2020 infrastructure management, monitoring and user access. All resources of PL- LAB2020 are located in 6 research centers forming a single distributed research and experimentation environment. When requested by a user, resources from other locations can be also made available for experiments.
The research infrastructure within PIONIER-LAB is under construction and will be available to end users in 2023. The laboratory from PL-LAB2020 is already offered to scientists under the umbrella of the Fed4FIRE+ project.


- ul. Jana Pawła II 10 61-139 Poznan, Poland
- +48 61 858 20 01
- office@man.poznan.pl
- visit site - PSNC
- visit site - FED4FIRE
- visit site - PLLAB2020