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Scientific LargeScale Infrastructure for Computing/Communication Experimental Studies – Starting Community



SLICES at the Future G Research Platforms session at GLOBECOM

SLICES at the Future G Research Platforms session at GLOBECOM Serge Fdida presents SLICES at the Future G Reesearrch Platfotms at IEEE GLOBECOM  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 5/12/2022
Screenshot 2022-10-17 at 8.16.30 PM

SLICES at Beyond 5G International Conference 2022

SLLICES at Beyond 5G International Conference 2022 October 24 (Mon.) — October 25 (Tue.), 2022 Hotel New Otani Tokyo (banquet room TSURU)(4-1 Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) details and programme can be…
Screenshot 2022-10-17 at 8.03.20 PM

SLICES at ICRI 2022 in Brno

SLICES at ICRI 2022 in Brno 19-21/10/2022, BrnoDetails at  Here ESFRI announces new RIs for Roadmap 2021 ESFRI announces the 11 new Research Infrastructures to be included in its Roadmap…


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